Christian R. Orozco
Asst. Professor, UP Institute of Civil Engineering
Research interests/activities:
Environmental Engineering
BS Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2010
MS Environmental Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2014
Vice-President, American Concrete Institute Philippines Chapter
Member, American Concrete Institute (USA)Member, Specialty Group for Environmental and Energy Engineering, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
First Place, American Concrete Institute (ACI) Eco-Concrete Competition, ACI Spring 2019 Convention, Quebec Canada. Faculty Advisor to undergraduate students
David M. Consunji Professorial Chair in Engineering, 2014 – present, UPD College of Engineering
Limcaoco Young Instructor Award for Teaching Excellence, 2013, UPD College of Engineering
Overall Champion, Introducing and Demonstrating Earthquake Engineering in Schools or IDEERS Postgraduate Division Competition, September 27, 2011 Taipei Taiwan
cum laude, BS Civil Engineering 2010
Book Chapter
Structural Capacity Assessment of Buildings in UP Diliman Against Earthquake Hazards. Book: Sakuna’y Darating, Saklolo’y Tayo Rin: Disaster Risk Reduction Handbook for Academic Institution. M Zarco, J Hernandez, OM Antonio, FJ Germar, LRE Tan, NB Diola, C Orozco and L Torio. University of the Philippines Press, 2018
Articles in refereed journals (2)
MB Diola and C Orozco. “Improved Removal of Copper Ions From Aqueous Solution Using NaOH-Pretreated Coco Peat”. Special Issue of ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C Volume 4, Number 1. (2015) pp 93-103. Print
C Orozco and SD Maningas. “Industry Perception on the Benefits of Construction Waste Management Strategies in the Philippines.” Philippine Engineering Journal Volume 35, Number 2 (2014) pp 19-28. Print
Conference Proceedings (2 of 43)
C Orozco, ZC Cabalagnan and CC Chua. “Strength and Durability Performance of Cement-Treated Tullahan River Dredged Material with Fly Ash.”. Proceedings of the Geo-Environmental Engineering 2019 Conference. Concordia University. Montreal, Canada, May 30-31, 2019
MPL Corpuz, MR Monzon, C Orozco and F Germar. “Optimization of Aggregate Shape, Size and Paste Volume Ratio of Pervious Concrete Mixture for the Philippine Setting”. Proceedings of the 8th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering. October 26, 2018.
Oral Presentations (3 of 25+)
Oral Presenter, 17th Region III Technical Conference Paper Read: “Emerging Sustainable Construction Materials” Kingsborough International Convention Center, JASA, City of San Fernando, Pampanga. 11 May 2019.
Oral Presenter, Geo-Environmental Engineering Conference 2018. Paper Read: “Sustainable Utilization of Small-Scale Gold Mill Tailings as Bricks through Geopolymerization.” . Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan. May 25, 2018
Oral Presenter, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers 43rd National Convention. Paper Read: “Moringa Oleifera as a Natural Coagulant for Treating Wastewater and River Water in the Philippines”. SMX Convention Center, Pasay City, Philippines. November 28-30, 2017