Fire Laboratory
With initial funding from the national government through the Engineering Research and Development for Technology (ERDT) Program, the Institute of Civil Engineering is setting-up a Fire Laboratory, which is the first facility in the country that can test full-scale specimens. This will advance the fire research of the country and UP ICE graduates will become the future leading researchers, consultants, and educators in fire safety engineering and fire testing of materials.
The main equipment in the laboratory is a Vertical Furnace that was custom-built by a UK-based company. This LPG-fed furnace was designed in accordance with ASTM E119 and BS 476 requirements. The furnace may be used for fire rating of full-scale (up to 3m x 3m) walls, fire doors, and windows. As of 2022, the installation of the vertical furnace is progressing in phases. The mechanical phase was finished. Procurement of the tank farm (LPG gas supply) is currently being processed. Once the tank farm is set-up, the electrical/electronics and gas installation phases can commence.