Lecturers and Teaching Associates

Raymund Paolo B. Abad

Carlos C. Centeno, Jr.

John Michael G. Constantino

Marjorie T. David

Mcken E. Flores

Michael V. Gonzalez

Christian A. Leobrera

Jessica Vien S. Mandi

Paterno S. Miranda IV

Mark K. Morales

Chrismar Jayson S. Punzal

Justin Jesse L. Seranilla

Ricardo D. Sigua

Guillermo Q. Tabios III
Teaching Associates

Stephanie Joy B. Carag
MS Civil Engineering Student (Geotechnical)

Carlos Alfonso P. Dela Cruz
MS Environmental Engineering Student

Marcus Karl J. Evangelista
MS Civil Engineering Student

John Michael P. Guanco
MS Civil Engineering Student
(Water Resources)

Ian-Will D. Ibañez
MS Civil Engineering Student (Structural)

Jetro L. Navarro
MA Urban and Regional Planning Student

Stacey Henry B. Nuqui
MS Civil Engineering Student (Structural)

Louise Anne P. Quilay
MS Civil Engineering Student (Transportation)

Alyannah P. Terite
MS Civil Engineering Student (Structural)

Dean Jasper D. Tolentino
MA Urban and Regional Planning Student