Publication Alert: Asst. Prof. Acosta publishes a new paper on wind engineering

Asst. Prof. Timothy John Acosta published another research paper on wind engineering!

His research paper titled “Requirements for partial turbulence simulations using nondimensional turbulence energy contributions” was recently published in the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.

The paper introduces nondimensional parameters to quantify the effects of large- and small-scale turbulence energy on pressure fluctuations in separated-reattaching flow regions.

The current ASCE 49 requirements for partial turbulence simulation was assessed, and the authors proposed that the relaxation of the Jensen number and integral length scale requirements should depend on the target small-scale turbulence energy and the maximum allowable deviation of small-scale turbulence energy.

The full paper can be accessed at

Asst. Prof. Acosta previously published a paper on how the ASCE 7 building code, which assumes a Gaussian distribution, underestimates peak pressure coefficients on the windward wall for low-rise buildings. A non-Gaussian peak factor model is developed based on translation theory and empirical data to address this. Read the full paper here:

Asst. Prof. Acosta is a member of UP ICE Structural Engineering Group (SEG), and is currently on study leave pursuing his PhD degree at the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario, Canada. His studies is supported by DOST-ERDT scholarship.

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