Publication Alert: Dr. Futalan publishes two papers on water quality and groundwater contamination

Dr. Cybelle Concepcion Futalan recently published two research articles on water quality and groundwater contamination in scopus-indexed journals. The papers were co-authored with her collaborators from the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology and Natural Sciences Research Institute of UPD College of Science, De La Salle University and Mapua University.

Arsenate removal using chitosan‐coated bentonite via fixed‐bed system: a process integration by fuzzy optimization
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 31
Access the full paper here:

Water quality assessment of Mananga River using principal component analysis
Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 153 No. 2
Access the full paper here:

Dr. Futalan is a member of the UP ICE Environmental and Energy Engineering Group. She currently serves as the program coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Graduate Program of the UPD College of Engineering.

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