Ma. Doreen E. Candelaria
Asst. Professor, UP Institute of Civil Engineering
Research interests/activities:
Construction Engineering and Management
BS Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2008
MS Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2015
PhD in Architectural Engineering, DONG-A University Busan, South Korea, 2024
Member – Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Inc. (PICE)
cum laude, BS Civil Engineering 2017
- J. Kim, S.H. Kee ,J.W. Lee, M.D.E. Candelaria. A practical guide to source and receiver locations for surface wave transmission measurements across a surface-breaking crack in plate structures. Sensors 2019, 19(17), 3793. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19173793 (Science Citation Index Expanded – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier), IF = 3.031)
- S.H. Kee, J.W. Kang, B.J. Choi, J. Kwon, M.D.E. Candelaria. Evaluation of static and dynamic residual mechanical properties of heat-damaged concrete for nuclear reactor auxiliary buildings in Korea using elastic wave velocity measurements. Materials 2019, 12(17), 2695. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma12172695 (Science Citation Index Expanded – Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier), IF = 2.972)
- M.D.E. Candelaria, J.Y. Hernandez, Jr. Determination of the properties of Bambusa Blumeana using fullculm compression tests and layered tensile tests for finite element model simulation using orthotropic material modeling. ASEAN Engineering Journal, 9(1). January-June 2019. http://www.aseanengineering.net/aej/archive-2019-v9-n1.php (Scopus (Elsevier))
- M.L.M. Ramos, M.D.E. Candelaria. Laboratory analysis of the mechanical properties of spiny bamboo (kawayan tinik) layers. Philippine Engineering Journal, 40 (1). June 2019. https://journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/pej/article/view/6821/5914
- Geo-Environmental Engineering Conference 2018, Presenter Paper: Use of Coco Peat Contaminated with Heavy Metal from Mining Waste as Cement Replacement in Concrete
- AUN/SEED-Net 2017 Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering: Environmental Protection toward Green Development (Vietnam)– Presenter Paper: Effects of Varying Curing Time and Water-Cement Ratio to the Strength of Concrete with Heavy Metal Contaminated Coco Peat
- 16th Global Joint Seminar On Geo-Environmental Engineering – Presenter Paper: Utilization of Sediments Collected from Mine Tailings as a Construction Material