Alumni Corner
UP ICE consistently produces BS/MS/PhD Civil Engineering graduates of the highest caliber – from board exam topnotchers, to competitive professionals, to internationally recognized academic researchers and personnel.
Are you an alumna/alumnus? Connect with us and other alumni!
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The University of the Philippines Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (UPERDFI) is a non-profit, non-stock foundation, recognized by the Bureau of Internal Revenue as a Donee institution, consisting of members who are dedicated to mobilizing support for the UP College of Engineering (UPCOE) and its stakeholders.
With the UPCOE and the UP National Engineering Center (UPNEC) as the premier source of brainpower, UPERDFI provides the venue to share faculty and student research with industry and government. It encourages the latter to tap UPCOE/UPNEC resources in addressing specific challenges facing the society. It also helps develop new solutions into start-ups and licensing arrangements. In this way, it helps build a robust innovation ecosystem in UP.
UPERDFI provides faculty support (professorial chair awards and research grants), student support (scholarships, study grants, thesis grants, funds for competitions and awards) and learning infrastructure support (buildings, classrooms and laboratories). These “Legacy Initiatives” are meant to build better engineers and graduate more of them.
Find out more at: www.uperdfi.org
Facebook page: facebook.com/uperdfi

UP Alumni Engineers Association (UPAE)
The University of the Philippines Alumni Engineers Association (UPAE) was established in 1947 to assist the UP College of Engineering (UPCOE) fulfill its mission as an academic institution. It also served as a vehicle to unite graduates of College in professional matters of collective interest, as well as be of service to its alumni, the college, and the country.
Counting among its members are all the graduates of UPCOE, the UPAE has launched various infrastructure programs for the College through its major fundraisers, which include golf tournaments and the annual homecoming – activities that have fostered fellowship and networking opportunities. Through the years, the association has duly recognized distinguished alumni from the various Engineering disciplines.
Visit the UPAE website to learn more: http://upae.org/
Facebook page: facebook.com/upalumniengineers

UP Alumni Association (UPAA)
The University of the Philippines Alumni Association is the official umbrella organization of all UP alumni and alumni chapters in the Philippines and abroad. It is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock, non-profit organization.
Throughout its history, the UPAA has been fired up by its mission of fostering Honor and Excellence, Service and Leadership, the very same ideals held sacrosanct by the Alma Mater. Projects of the association have sought to promote these ideals, as well as encourage unity, loyalty and institution building among the graduates, so that united, they can better serve their communities and the nation, thus doing their Alma Mater proud. The UPAA has undertaken several projects to promote excellence in teaching, research and extension services (Source: UPAA Facebook page).
Visit the UPAA website to learn more: https://upalumni.ph/
Facebook page: facebook.com/upalumniassociation