Dr. Augustus C. Resurreccion
Professor, UP Institute of Civil Engineering
Deputy Director, Human Resource Development Office, UP Diliman
Research interests/activities:
PhD in Biological and Environmental Science, Saitama University, 2007
MS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, 2002
BS Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1997
- Section Editor-in-Chief- ASEAN Engineering Journal (Member; Editorial Board), 2017
- Associate Editor- ASEAN Engineering Journal (Member; Editorial Board), 2016
- Listed as 2017 Asian Scientist 100 (https://www.asianscientist.com/)
- Thompson Reuters: The Philippines Promising Star 2016 in the Category of Environment/Ecology
- 2017 Outstanding Engineering Professor Award UP Diliman College of Engineering
- 2019 Holcim Philippines Inc. Professorial Chair Award
- 2018 Holcim Philippines Inc. Professorial Chair Award
- 2017 Oscar M Lopez Professorial Chair in Environmental Engineering Award
- MiNERS PROJECT B (Modeling of Fate and Transport of Heavy Metals in Surface Waters From Source at Mining Site to Downstream Receiving Waters); project funded by the Department of Science and Technology, 2013-2015 (Project Leader)
- Philippine ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation: Implementation of a novel technology to affordably and effectively remove arsenic from contaminated Philippine groundwaters; project funded by CHED – Philippine California Research Institute, June 2018-May 2020 (Project Leader)
- Developing Infrastructure for Managing Antibiotics and Endocrine Disrupting Substances in Pampanga River Basin and Its Coastal Environs: Maps, Transport Models, and Bioindicators of Ecological and Public Health Risks; project funded by CHED – Philippine California Research Institute (Project Staff)
- Coordinator, Evidence Based Approach (EBA) International Fieldwork, June 13-21, 2016, Collaboration between UP Diliman (Office of the International Linkages) and Keio University
- A. C. Resurreccion J. A. Tiria, T. Hibino, K. Mizumoto, B. Lee, P. Fainsan and C. Galope Assessment of Nutrient Contamination Level for the Improvement of Water Quality in Estero De San Miguel using Philippine and Japan made Granulated Coal Ash, The 11th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2018 (RCEnvE-2018) Jointly held with The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes “Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience under Anthropogenic Pressure and Climate Change” September 27-28, 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- J. A. Tiria, A. C. Resurreccion, T. Hibino, K. Mizumoto and H. Takata. Utilization of Granulated Coal Ash (GCA) for Treatment o Nutrient-rich Wastewater and Improvement of Water Quality, 11th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2018 (RCEnvE-2018) Jointly held with The 3rd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes “Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience under Anthropogenic Pressure and Climate Change” September 27-28, 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Bea Krishna Lee and Augustus C. Resurreccion. Assessment of Reduction of Inorganic and Nutrient Contamination Levels for Water Quality Improvement using Granulated Coal Ash, The 10th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering 2017 in conjunction with HUST & KU International Symposium on the Education & Research of the Global Environmental Studies in Asia, October 30-31, 2017, Hanoi Vietnam
- Diola MBLD, Resurreccion AC*, Bautista CC, Quiocho RE Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soil, Water and River Sediments in and around Bued River, 2017 Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, December 10 – 14, 2017 Arlington, Virginia, USA
- BK Lee, AC. Resurreccion, , G. Cruz Jr, MAN Tanchuling,, T. Hibino, and N. Touch. Assessment of Reduction of Inorganic and Nutrient Contamination Levels for Water Quality Improvement using Granulated Coal Ash 2017 Professorial Chair Colloquium, UP College of Engineering December 6, 2017