Course Catalogue
The UP Institute of Civil Engineering BS Civil Engineering (BSCE) Program (revised and implemented in 2018) is a 4-year curriculum with a total of 155 units. The BSCE curriculum is well-defined and shows balance between general education and specialized courses, is integrative, and reflects the vision and mission of the University.
UP ICE offers the following undergraduate courses:
Visit the graduate course catalogue page for the description of the graduate courses being offered by UP ICE.
General Education Course
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
DRMAPS | Disaster Risk Mitigation, Adaptation, and Preparedness Strategies | Introduction to principles and practices of natural disaster risk management by mitigation of, adaptation to, and preparedness for risk, through all related disciplines aiming for resilience. 3 u. |
Service Courses (CE)
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 11 | Disaster Risk Mitigation, Adaptation, and Preparedness Strategies | Principles and application of engineering geology and engineering meteorology. 3 u. |
CE 22 | Engineering Economics | The fundamentals of engineering decisions. Relative economics of alternative materials, methods, processes, and designs. Course stipulation: must have completed at least 39 units. 3 u. |
Major Courses
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 1 | Introduction to Civil Engineering | History of and developments in civil engineering. 2 u. |
CE 17 | Fluid Mechanics | Properties and measurements of fluids; concepts and applications in fluid mechanics. Prereq: Math 23, ES 101. 4 u. |
CE 18 | Solid Mechanics | Advanced topics in mechanics of deformable bodies; analysis of plane structures; introduction to continuum mechanics. Prereq: ES 102. 4 u. |
CE 24 | Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering I | Matrix operations; analytical solution to ordinary differential equations. Prereq: Math 22. 3 u. |
CE 25 | Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering II | Programming concepts and methods; application of numerical methods to civil engineering; partial differential equations. Prereq: Math 23, CE 24. 3 u. |
CE 29 | Probability and Statistics for Engineering | Concepts in probability and statistical inference; introduction to multiple linear regression and experimental design in engineering. Prereq: Math 21. 3 u. |
CE 31 | Construction Materials | Engineering properties of construction materials; standard test methods; concrete mix design. Prereq: CE 29. Co-req: ES 102. 3 u. |
CE 41 | Construction Plans | Reading and interpretation of construction plans of built structures and services systems. Prereq: Physics 72, ES 1. 2 u. |
CE 115 | Water Resources and Coastal Engineering I | Hydraulics and hydrology; design of basin and river scale hydraulic structures. Prereq: CE 11, CE 17. 4 u. |
CE 116 | Water Resources and Coastal Engineering II | Design of large-scale hydraulic and coastal structures; integrated water resources management. Prereq: CE 115. 3 u. |
CE 123 | Construction Engineering and Management I | Legal and ethical aspects of the civil engineering profession; introduction to construction project management; quality assurance and control; construction safety. Prereq: CE 31, CE 41. 3 u. |
CE 124 | Construction Engineering and Management II | Project management techniques; construction project procurement; resource allocation; project monitoring and control. Prereq: CE 22, CE 123. 3 u. |
CE 130 | Elements of Environmental and Energy Engineering | Fundamental principles of environmental and energy engineering; environmental and energy policies and standards; emerging issues in environmental and energy engineering. Prereq: Chem 16, Chem 16.1, CE 11. 3 u. |
CE 132 | Sanitary Engineering I | Unit operations in water and waste water treatment. Design of water and wastewater treatment plants. Prereq: CE 17, CE 130. 3 u. |
CE 141 | Transportation Engineering I | Fundamentals of transportation planning; traffic flow theory; traffic engineering and management. Prereq: CE 25, CE 29. 3 u. |
CE 142 | Transportation Engineering II | Planning and design of transportation facilities; road, rail, air, and water transportation. Prereq: GE 12, CE 141. 3 u. |
CE 151 | Structural Engineering I | Theory and applications of methods of analysis of building, bridge and other structures; behavior and design of steel members and connections. Prereq: ES 102. Co-req: CE 18. 4 u. |
CE 152 | Structural Engineering II | Structural analysis of space trusses and space frames; behavior and design of reinforced concrete members; detailing of steel reinforcements. Prereq: CE 18, CE 151. 4 u. |
CE 162 | Geotechnical Engineering I | Geomorphology; phase relationships; soil plasticity; soil classification; mechanics of soils; shear strength of soils; compressibility of soils; soil permeability and seepage analysis. Prereq: ES 102, CE 11. 3 u. |
CE 163 | Geotechnical Engineering II | Principles of foundation engineering; analysis and design of earth retaining structures. Prereq: CE 162. 3 u. |
CE 190 | Seminar and Research Methods in Civil Engineering | Development of research proposal. Prereq: consent of instructor (COI). 1 u. |
CE 195 | Internship | On-the-job training in a related civil engineering company, institution or organization. Prereq: CE 115, CE 123, CE 130, CE 141, CE 151, and CE 162. 3 u. (200 h minimum) |
CE 196 | Civil Engineering Design Project | Integrative design (capstone) project involving at least 3 fields of civil engineering. Prereq: Any three of the following: CE 116, CE 124, CE 132, CE 142, CE 152, and CE 163. 3 u. |
CE 199 | Undergraduate Research Project | Implementation or research project. Prereq: CE 190. 3u. |
Elective Courses
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 117 | Water Resources and Coastal Engineering III | Principles of coastal engineering; analysis and design of coastal structures. Prereq: CE 11, CE 17. 3 u. |
CE 118 | Multipurpose Water Resources Development | Concepts and models of water resources systems; simulation and optimization techniques incorporating risk and uncertainty as applied to water resources development. Prereq: CE 116. 3 u. |
CE 125 | Construction Engineering and Management III | Site management; total quality approach; problem solving and decision-making; effective communication; motivation and leadership; resource management. Prereq: CE 124. 3 u. |
CE 133 | Sanitary Engineering II | Engineering applications of new concepts of physical-chemical wastewater treatment. Prereq: CE 132. 3 u. |
CE 134 | Hazardous Waste Minimization | Hazardous waste minimization as a waste management strategy; waste minimization techniques. Prereq: consent of instructor (COI). 3 u. |
CE 135 | Environmental Geotechnology | Landfill control and uses; contaminated groundwater and seepage; soil/environment and soil/pollutant interaction; hazardous waste control and storage systems; durability and protection of geostructural members’ hazardous ground. Prereq: CE 130, CE 162. 3 u. |
CE 143 | Transportation Engineering III | Urban transport planning and design using statistical techniques, computer methods, modelling and optimization. Policy formulation. Case studies. Prereq: CE 142. 3 u. |
CE 153 | Structural Engineering III | Introduction to structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, and wind engineering; advanced structural analysis. Prereq: CE 152. 3 u. |
CE 164 | Geotechnical Engineering III | Soil and rock dynamics. Seismicity and seismic risk analysis. Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering. Special topics in geotechnical engineering. Prereq: CE 163. 3 u. |
CE 197 | Special Topics | Course stipulation: may be taken twice, topics to be indicated for record purposes. Prereq: consent of instructor (COI). 3 u. |
CE 198 | Special Problems | Prereq: consent of instructor (COI). 3 u. |
Engineering Science Courses
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
ES 1 | Engineering Drawing | Technical sketching, lettering, instrumental drawing. Multiview projections. Pictorial drawing. Conventions and dimensioning. Graphs and charts. 2 u. 6 h. (lab) |
ES 15 | Mechanics of Fluids | Statics, kinetics and dynamics of fluids. Effects of weight, viscosity and compressibility. Flow past internal boundaries. Flow past external boundaries. Similitude and dimensional analysis. Lift and propulsion. Prereq: ES 101. 3 u. |
ES 101 | Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies | Force, moment, and motion concepts. Newton’s Laws of Motion. Analysis of particles and rigid bodies in static and dynamic equilibrium using vector mechanics, momentum methods, and energy methods. Geometric properties of lines, areas, and volumes. Prereq: Math 22. 4 u. |
ES 102 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | Internal forces and moments in members subjected to different loadings. Material properties. Deformation, strain and stress analysis and design of members subjected to axial, torsional, shear and flexural loads. Stress transformations using equilibrium and Mohr’s circle. Theories of material failure. Prereq: ES 101. 3 u. |