Course Catalogue (Graduate)
For updating as of November 2022
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
The UP Institute of Civil Engineering MS Civil Engineering (MSCE) Program is a two-year program for graduate students. It has four fields of study:
- Structural Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
Structural Engineering
Course Code & No. | Units | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 201 | 3 | Matrix Theory of Structures | Structural theorems and strain energy concepts; matrix network formulation of structural analysis; vector transformations; linear structural elements and assemblages; constraints and releases. |
CE 226 | 3 | Structural Dynamics | Response of structural components to transient loads and foundation excitation; single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems; viscous and proportional damping; modal method; response spectra; introduction to wave propagation in solids. |
ES 204 | 3 | Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
ES 201 | 3 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering I | |
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE Elective2 | 3 | ||
ES 230 | 3 | Continuum Mechanics I | |
CE 257 | 3 | Discrete Methods of Structural Analysis | Discrete formulation of structural problems; idealization of solid media and structures as lumped-parameter and finite element systems; substructure analyses; mixed structural systems; non-linearity in structures; structure-medium interaction phenomena. |
CE 2531 | 3 | Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Ultimate strength and behavior of reinforced concrete; structural components, recent developments in concrete technology; review of current research; design specifications. |
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE Elective2 | 3 | ||
CE Elective2 | 3 | ||
CE 300 | 6 | Thesis |
2 Elective Courses*: CE 206, CE 216, CE 219, CE 220, CE 225, CE 236, CE 251, CE 296, ES 202, ES 230, ES 231
* For the Thesis Option: Minimum of 6u of Elective Major/Specialization Course and minimum of 3u Elective
With Institute approval, courses to be credited as Elective may be chosen from the list of elective courses and among major/specialization courses from other MSCE Fields of Study. The Institute may, from time to time, add or delete courses from the list of elective courses.
Note: CE 201 is required for Non-UP BS graduates who have not taken the undergraduate course in Matrix Theory of Structures. Additional three (3) units are required over the minimum. The grade is included in computing the cumulative weighted average grade.
Elective Courses (Structural Engineering)
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 222 | Advanced Concrete Technology | Structure of concrete; engineering properties of concrete; behavior of fresh and hardened concrete; materials and processes for special concrete; recent advances in concrete technology. |
CE 250 | Pre-Stressed Concrete | |
CE 252 | Design of Metal Structures | Theories of behavior of structural metal components; interpretation of codes and specifications in relation to theory and experimental results; buckling of metal elements; special problems in metal connections. |
CE 253 | Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Ultimate strength and behavior of reinforced concrete; structural components, recent developments in concrete technology; review of current research; design specifications. |
CE 255 | Theory of Plates and Shells | Fundamental theories of bending and buckling of plates; flat slab floor systems; folded plate structural elements, thin–walled members; theory of shells applied to tanks, shell roofs, hipped plates, stability problems. |
CE 256 | Structural Design for Dynamic Effects | Response of structural assemblies to transient loads and foundation excitation; inelastic structural systems; dynamic loading from blasts and earthquakes; criteria for blast and earthquake-resistant designs; non-proportional damping. |
CE 258 | Plastic Structural Analysis and Design | Behavior of steel beyond the elastic range; concept of the plastic hinge in forming collapse configurations; analysis of collapse mechanisms, requirements for stability; incremental collapse, optimum design. |
CE 259 | Earthquake Engineering | Concepts of plate tectonics, elastic rebound and fault movements; measures of earthquake size; geological evaluation; seismological evaluation; construction over active faults; soil dynamics and site response; structure response; structural design and detailing; retrofit of existing structures. |
CE 291 | Bridge Design | Historical development; types of bridges; methods of analysis and design; specifications for highway and railroad bridges; recent developments. |
CE 297 | Special Topics | [depends on offered topic] |
CE 298 | Special Problems | [depends on offered topic] |
Geotechnical Engineering
Course Code & No. | Units | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 260 | 3 | Soil and Rock Testing | Field and laboratory test of soils and rocks; developments in testing method, theories and stress strain characteristics of soils. |
CE 261 | 3 | Soil and Rock Mechanics | Physico-chemical, hydraulic, and stress-strain characteristics of soils and rocks; analysis of deformations and stability of earth and rock masses; seepage. |
CE 297 | 3 | Special Topics | |
ES 201 | 3 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering I | |
CE 262 | 3 | Foundation Engineering | Design and construction aspects of structural foundation systems; soil-rock-structure interactions; case studies. |
CE 264 | 3 | Geotechnical Engineering | Application of soil and rock mechanics and related principles to civil engineering problems. |
ES 204 | 3 | Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE Elective2 | 3 | ||
CE Elective2 | 3 | ||
CE Elective Major1 | 3 | ||
CE 300 | 6 | Thesis |
2 Elective Courses*: CE 206, CE 216, CE 219, CE 220, CE 225, CE 236, CE 251, CE 296, ES 202, ES 230, ES 231
* For the Thesis Option: Minimum of 3u of Elective Major/Specialization Course and minimum of 3u Elective
With Institute approval, courses to be credited as Elective may be chosen from the list of elective courses and among major/specialization courses from other MSCE Fields of Study. The Institute may, from time to time, add or delete courses from the list of elective courses.
Elective Courses (Geotechnical Engineering)
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 263 | Soil and Rock Dynamics | |
CE 265 | Soil and Rock Engineering Problems | Boundary value problems in soil and rock mechanics; numerical methods of solution. |
CE 266 | Earth Structures | Design and construction of earth and rock fill dams, levees, bulkheads, embankments and other earth structures. |
CE 268 | Critical State Soil Mechanics | |
CE 269 | Ground Improvement Techniques | Problematic soils; stability analysis; ground settlements; mechanical modification and densification of soils; granular piles; preloading; vertical drains; dewatering and ground water control; chemical stabilization; soil reinforcement; tiebacks and ground anchors; underpinning; case studies. |
CE 206 | Energy Method in Civil Engineering | |
CE 216 | Theory of Plasticity | |
CE 219 | Hydraulic Measurements | |
CE 220 | Soil Erosion and Sedimentation | |
CE 225 | Advanced Construction Engineering | Problems of the construction industry, including organization, financing, bonding and insurance problems. Analysis and possible improvement of present-day techniques and equipment employed in heavy and building construction. |
CE 236 | Environmental Benefits and Costs in Civil Engineering Projects | Analysis of environmental benefits and costs of alternative schemes and technologies for development projects in civil engineering. |
CE 251 | Structural Safety and Reliability | Concepts and methods of probabilistic structural mechanics; statistical consideration of loads and structure resistances; engineering significance of statistical extremes; factors of safety; reliability against wind and earthquake forces. |
CE 296 | Seminar | |
CE 297 | Special Topics | |
CE 298 | Special Problems | |
ES 202 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering II | |
ES 230 | Continuum Mechanics I | |
ES 231 | Continuum Mechanics II |
Transportation Engineering
Course Code & No. | Units | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 240 | 3 | Transportation Systems Analysis and Planning | Elements and features of transport systems, technological and operational characteristics of various modes of transportation; tools for transport system analysis; land use/transport interaction; forecast of transport demand; principles of planning, design, operation, maintenance and management. |
CE 246 | 3 | Transportation and Traffic Surveys | Different surveys required to provide information for transportation planning and engineering; methods of conducting surveys; analysis and presentation of survey results. |
CE 248 | 3 | Traffic Flow Theory and Analysis | Traffic flow theories applied to intersections, road links, and terminals; queuing tools used in traffic flow analysis; applications to real life situations; analysis and forecasts of congestion. |
ES 201 | 3 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering I | |
CE 2421 | 3 | Traffic Engineering and Management | Traffic regulation, control, and traffic signal systems; accidents and their prevention; parking and terminal problems. |
CE 249 | 3 | Planning and Design of Transportation Facilities | Location, layout and design of different transport facilities; passenger and cargo handling facilities, pedestrian facilities. |
ES 204 | 3 | Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
CE Elective 2 | 3 | ||
CE 300 | 6 | Thesis |
2 Elective Courses: CE 206, CE 216, CE 219, CE 220, CE 225, CE 236, CE 251, CE 296, ES 202, ES 230, ES 231
With Institute approval, courses to be credited as Elective may be chosen from the list of elective courses and among major/specialization courses from other MSCE Fields of Study. The Institute may, from time to time, add or delete courses from the list of elective courses.
Elective Courses (Transportation Engineering)
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 241 | Airport Engineering | Aircraft characteristics and performance related to planning of terminal facilities. Air traffic control and navigation systems. Planning of airport locations and airport complexes. Geometric design of runways, taxiways, etc. Pavement design. Environmental considerations. |
CE 243 | Highway Engineering | Route location. Advanced geometric design of roads, highway intersections and interchanges. Design of pavement and road facilities. Highway capacity analysis. Traffic control. |
CE 244 | Port and Harbor Engineering | Ship performance and characteristics. Capacity analysis. Passenger and freight flow handling. Design of port facilities. |
CE 245 | Mass Transit Engineering | Design and operation of mass transit systems including vehicle, track, station and terminal, and control system design. Analysis of technological, operating and performance characteristics of mass transit systems including capacity, cost, level of service and efficiency. |
CE 247 | Transportation Economics and Evaluation | Concepts and principles of transportation economic analysis; transportation costs and benefits; user and non-user consequences, needs studies, finance and taxation; methods of evaluation of plans and projects and cost-effectiveness. |
CE 206 | Energy Method in Civil Engineering | |
CE 216 | Theory of Plasticity | |
CE 219 | Hydraulic Measurements | |
CE 220 | Soil Erosion and Sedimentation | |
CE 225 | Advanced Construction Engineering | Problems of the construction industry, including organization, financing, bonding and insurance problems. Analysis and possible improvement of present-day techniques and equipment employed in heavy and building construction. |
CE 236 | Environmental Benefits and Costs in Civil Engineering Projects | Analysis of environmental benefits and costs of alternative schemes and technologies for development projects in civil engineering. |
CE 251 | Structural Safety and Reliability | Concepts and methods of probabilistic structural mechanics; statistical consideration of loads and structure resistances; engineering significance of statistical extremes; factors of safety; reliability against wind and earthquake forces. |
CE 296 | Seminar | |
CE 297 | Special Topics | |
CE 298 | Special Problems | |
ES 202 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering II | |
ES 230 | Continuum Mechanics I | |
ES 231 | Continuum Mechanics II |
Water Resources Engineering
Course Code & No. | Units | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 212 | 3 | Applied Hydrology | Basic hydrologic principles; hydrograph analysis. Modern hydrologic techniques applicable to problems in water power, water supply, irrigation and flood control. |
CE 214 | 3 | Groundwater Development | Groundwater movement, storage and exploration, basic principles of groundwater flow and aquifer testing; well design, construction, production tests and maintenance, groundwater recharge and runoff; development and management of aquifers. |
ES 251 | 3 | Intermediate Fluid Mechanics | |
ES 201 | 3 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering I | |
CE 215 | 3 | Water Resources Planning | |
CE Elective 2 | 3 | ||
ES 204 | 3 | Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
CE Elective 2 | 3 | ||
CE 300 | 6 | Thesis |
2 Elective Courses: CE 206, CE 216, CE 219, CE 220, CE 225, CE 236, CE 251, CE 296, ES 202, ES 230, ES 231
With Institute approval, courses to be credited as Elective may be chosen from the list of elective courses and among major/specialization courses from other MSCE Fields of Study. The Institute may, from time to time, add or delete courses from the list of elective courses.
Elective Courses (Water Resources Engineering)
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 211 | Free Surface Flow | Open channel flow, the hydraulic jump, backwater curves. Waves and surges in canals and docks. River control, flood routing, and reservoir operations. |
CE 213 | Advanced Hydrology | Probable maximum precipitation, estimation of maximum floods, statistical methods in hydrology. |
CE 217 | Hydraulic Design | |
CE 270 | Fundamental Coastal Hydrodynamics | Linear water theory; engineering wave properties; tides; waves in shallow water; wave refraction; diffraction; combined refraction-diffraction; reflection; shoaling; wave breaking; wave forces on fixed structures. |
CE 273 | Coastal Sediment Transport | Beach morphology; mechanism of sediment transport; sediment movement due to oscillatory flow; sediment transport rate; models of coastal sediment transport; shoreline change models; cross-shore sediment transport; longshore sediment transport; beach evolution due to coastal structures. |
CE 206 | Energy Method in Civil Engineering | |
CE 216 | Theory of Plasticity | |
CE 219 | Hydraulic Measurements | |
CE 220 | Soil Erosion and Sedimentation | |
CE 225 | Advanced Construction Engineering | Problems of the construction industry, including organization, financing, bonding and insurance problems. Analysis and possible improvement of present-day techniques and equipment employed in heavy and building construction. |
CE 236 | Environmental Benefits and Costs in Civil Engineering Projects | Analysis of environmental benefits and costs of alternative schemes and technologies for development projects in civil engineering. |
CE 251 | Structural Safety and Reliability | Concepts and methods of probabilistic structural mechanics; statistical consideration of loads and structure resistances; engineering significance of statistical extremes; factors of safety; reliability against wind and earthquake forces. |
CE 297 | Special Topics | |
CE 298 | Special Problems | |
ES 202 | Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering II | |
ES 230 | Continuum Mechanics I | |
ES 231 | Continuum Mechanics II | |
EnE 2101 | Water Quality Control and Management | Methods and economics of water quality control; river and estuary models for water quality management. |
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
The Ph.D. in Civil Engineering is currently offered with major fields of study in:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
CE Core Courses
Course Code & No. | Course Title | Course Description and Prerequisites |
CE 301 | Environmental Impact Assessment in Civil Engineering Projects | Prediction and assessment of impacts on the environment of projects in the field of structural, geotechnical, water resources, transportation and construction engineering. 3 u. |
CE 304 | Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering | 3 u. |
CE 306 | Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering I | Modeling; formulation and numerical solutions to linear problems using finite element method. 3u. |
CE 400 | PhD Dissertation |