Joshua C. Agar
Asst. Professor, UP Institute of Civil Engineering
Research interests/activities:
Structural Engineering
BS Civil Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2016
MS Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), University of the Philippines, Diliman, 2021
Member – Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Inc. (PICE)
Best Paper, 15th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering, 2022
Best Paper, 17th Engineering Research and Development for Technology Conference, 2021
Best, Paper, Sustainable Built Environment 2016 Manila Conference, 2016
Agar, J., Mata, W., Hernandez, J. (2018). Estimating Typhoon Haiyan’s Wind Speeds Using Windicator. Philippine Engineering Journal, Vol XXXIX. Issue No. 1
Tan, L., Acosta, T., Gumaro, J., Agar, J., Tingatinga, E., Plamenco, D., Ereno, M., Musico, J., Pacer, J., Baniqued, J., Hernandez, J., and Villalba, I. (2021). Investigation of the Effects of the Classification of Building Stock Geometries Determined Using Clustering Techniques on the Vulnerability of Galvanized Iron Roof Covers Against Severe Wind Loading. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Gumaro, J., Acosta, T., Tan, L., Agar, J., Tingatinga, E., Musico, J., Plamenco, D., Ereno, M., Pacer, J., Villalba, I., and Hernandez, J. (2021). Identification of key components for developing building types for risk assessment against wind loadings: The case of Cebu Province, Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Agar, J., Gumaro, J., Acosta, T., Alvarez, J., Ereno, M., Hernandez, J., Pacer, J., Plamenco, A., Tan, L., Baniqued, J., Tingatinga, E., Musico, J., Quinay, P. Villalba, I., and Bisa, H. (2022). Component-Based Severe Wind Vulnerability Analysis of Wooden Buildings in the Philippines. Asian Engineering Journal.
Agar, J. (2022). Unleash the Engineers: Engineering As Part of Public Health. Catalyst ’22: The Healthcare Affair. University of the Philippines Chemical Engineering Society. March 5, 2022.
Agar, J. (2022). COVID is Airborne: How Airborne Transmission Work and How to Protect Ourselves From It. DepEd Schools Division Office – Quezon City and Mandaluyong City. February 7, 2022
Agar, J. (2022). Regional Cyclonic Wind Field Modeling of the Philippines and Typhoon Odette. Tropical Cyclone Intensification Forum. Start Network. January 27, 2022.
Agar, J. (2021). Regional Cyclonic Wind Field Modeling of the Philippines. Engineering Research and Development for Technology Conference. December 20, 2021.
Agar, J. (2022). Aerodynamic and Atmospheric Consequences of Face Shields on Airborne Covid-19 Transmissions. 15th Regional Conference on Environmental Engineering. January 18, 2022
Agar, J. (2021). COVID-19 is Airborne: Why Face Shields Don’t Work and How to Address Airborne Transmissions. Plenary Topic : Inter-School Organizations Summit 2021, December 11-12, 2021
Agar, J. (2021). COVID-19 is Airborne: Testing and Simulating Designs and Physical Interventions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics in OpenFOAM. Webinar organized by : UP Diliman Institute of Civil Engineering, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) and PCARI Research and Instructional Infrastructure for Mentoring and Collaboration (PRIME) as part of the High Performance Computing and Networking Conference (HPCN) 2022, December 10, 2021 (First Part – Lecture)
Agar, J. (2021). Evaluation of the Intervention of Face Shields Worn by Person in Motion Against Non-Sporadic Airborne Transmissions Using Unsteady-State Computational Fluid Dynamics. 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Health, December 8-9, 2021
Agar, J. (2021). Simulation of the Physical Intervention of Face Shields Against Short-Term Sporadic Emissions at Different Angles of Attack. 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Health, December 8-9, 2021
Agar, J. (2021). Planning for F2F: Are Plastic Barriers Safe Against Airborne Transmissions. University of Eastern Philippines. November 24, 2021.
Agar, J. (2021). To Face Shield Or Not Face Shield: That Should Not Be A Question. SDGCon 6: COVID-Proofing Communities: A Race Against the Pandemic. September 25, 2021.
Agar, J., Dacanay, J., Hernandez, J. (2018). Hazard Analysis and Mapping on Typhoons Using Forensic Analysis and Tropical Cyclone Modeling. 8th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering. October 25-26, 2018
Agar, J., Mata, W.., Hernandez, J. (2017). Estimating Typhoon Haiyan’s Wind Speeds Using Windicators and Post-Storm Vulnerability Analysis on the Affected Areas. World Sustainable Built Environment 2017 Global Conference. Hong Kong Convention Center, Hong Kong SAR. October 25-26, 2018