Student Councils
UP ICE works in close collaboration with the Engineering Student Council thru the Civil Engineering Representatives and the Volunteers of the Institute of Civil Engineering in implementing services for students.
Civil Engineering Representatives

The Civil Engineering Representatives serve as the liaison between the students and administration of the UP Institute of Civil Engineering. They act as student representatives to the UP Engineering Student Council (ESC). They also put forward and organize projects that bring holistic services to the students, faculty, and staff of UP ICE, the College, the University, and the nation through socially relevant initiatives.
One of the regular events of the CE Reps is the CE Hour, a kumustahan event for students and faculty that aims to inform the CE students of the latest news and events of the institute. It is an avenue not only for the students but for the whole ICE community to voice out concerns and discuss current issues especially those that need immediate action. Through the CE hour, the CE Representatives are also able to report on the progress of their term and present plans and upcoming projects. It helps them collect feedback from their constituents so as to improve their current plans.
Email: ce.reps@coe.upd.edu.ph
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPDCEReps
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ce_reps
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ce.reps/
Volunteers of the Institute of Civil Engineering (VOICE)
VOICE aims to foster camaraderie among the students of UP Institute of Civil Engineering and equip its members with essential skills in the fields of marketing, finance, publicity, and student-admin affairs. Members of VOICE render service to their coursemates and to the greater UP community through forwarding projects that are both community-centric and relevant to current issues affecting the nation.
UP Engineering Student Council (ESC)
The UP Engineering Student Council (UP ESC) is a non-stock, non-profit organization consisting of 30 student leaders from eight different departments and institutes of the College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, Diliman. UP ESC represents over 30 student organizations and 5,000 students from the different fields of engineering, holding numerous events such as the Engineering Opening Week, Engineering Innovations Congress, and the Engineering Week, which aim to promote academic excellence and holistic development among its constituents.
Email: esc@coe.upd.edu.ph
Facebook: fb.com/esc.upd
Twitter: twitter.com/UP_ESC
UP Diliman University Student Council (USC)
The University Student Council of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City is the official student representative body of the Philippines’ premiere institution of higher learning. As such, it represents the interests of the students within and outside the University. The University Student Council, also known as USC, exists to represent UP students in various affairs of the University, acting as the voice of students in the local, national, and international issues.
As the highest student representative body in the university, the USC is composed of members elected amongst the student body, mandated to organize and direct campaigns and activities to defend and promote students’ rights, and improve the students’ general welfare. Furthermore, it provides direct services to the student body.
The USC has the proud and historic tradition of active involvement in the Filipino people’s struggle for their democratic rights and interests.
Facebook: fb.com/USCUPDiliman
Twitter and Instagram: @USCUPDiliman