Two of our faculty members, Asst. Prof. Jessica Junio and Asst. Prof. Matthew Travis Alcantara participated in the ISWA-SWIS Winter School 2024 on Sustainable Waste Management including Landfill & Landfill Mining held in Texas, USA from January 15-26, 2024.
The program was jointly organized by Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability, University of Texas at Arlington (SWIS UTA) and the ISWA International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). The objective of the ISWA-SWIS Winter School is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of waste management to an international audience of existing and emerging solid waste experts which included topics on sustainable landfill design, waste management, and waste economics. The school held in-class lectures and site visits to landfills within the Dallas-Forth Worth area and was attended by 31 participants from 19 countries. Asst. Prof. Junio received a full scholarship for the program while Asst. Prof. Alcantara received a partial scholarship.
The results and learnings from this winter school will provide the framework of the undergraduate elective CE 197 Sustainable Landfill Design and Management which will be offerred this Second Semester AY 2023-2024.