The UP Institute of Civil Engineering is seeking highly qualified and motivated candidates for full-time faculty positions (available to start on August 2024). We are expanding our pool of applicants to include individuals from various disciplines that are allied with the field of civil engineering.
Depending on the candidate’s qualifications, there are available faculty positions at the ranks of Professor (with PhD), Associate Professor (with PhD), Assistant Professor 3-7 (with PhD), and Assistant Professor 1-2 (with MS).
Interested and qualified applicants should submit the requirements no later than May 31, 2024 (Fri) by email to and
The minimum qualification requirements are:
- Master’s or Doctorate degree in Civil Engineering or an allied field;
- PRC License in Civil Engineering or an allied profession;
- Lead or sole authorship of at least one paper in refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings within the last five (5) years; and
- Demonstrable commitment to teaching, research, and service or outreach.
The preferred specialization tracks of applicants are:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Structural Engineering
- Environmental and Energy Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources and Coastal Engineering
Applicants need to submit the following:
1. Letter of intent, specifying the intended specialization track and expressly including consent to verify all information, addressed to:
Jose Regin F. Regidor, Dr.Eng.
Director, Institute of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering,
University of the Philippines Diliman
2. Updated Curriculum Vitae including links to all online profiles in professional and/or academic social networking sites;
3. Copies of Transcript of Records and Diploma for every degree earned, accompanied with proof of new request for certified true copy of each;
4. Copy of current Professional License;
5. Two (2) recommendations letters addressed to the Director of Institute of Civil Engineering from former supervisors including one from the academe, both written within the last three (3) months; and
6. Copy of most significant sole-authored or lead-authored article in refereed journal or refereed conference proceedings, international or national, within the last five (5) years.